Reinsurers may insure insurance companies but insurance companies “self-insure” or set aside reserves to cover any expected payouts under the policies. How it works: Sometimes insurance companies hold all the risk from…
Category: Health Insurance
I invented a medical device, and I want to know how do I get it covered by insurance companies so consumers may be able to use it at little or no cost?
First, you will need a products liability policy. Insurance is costly for any medical device if you are operating in the USA. Depending upon the nature of the device, premiums can run…
What is an HSA account, and how does it work?
You will require a health policy compatible with a Health Savings Account (HSA). When you purchase the policy the insurance company will indicate if it is HSA ready. You can set up…
What qualifies a child as a dependent for health insurance?
Birth Certificate Guardianship Tax Return Under 26 and still in college.
Health Insurance Companies
Here are the top 7 affordable small business health insurance providers for 2020. eHealth carries group plans from all of these health insurance companies, in addition to other top providers in your…
What happens if I don’t have health insurance for 1 month?
You have to pay all your health claims during that month. Previously before the affordable care act you would be subject to pre existing conditions terms of policies.
How do I get insurance through the Affordable Care Act?
The affordable care act allows for States to create insurance exchanges. You should be able to find the options on your local states website. Each state has its own eligibility requirements for…
An insurance company pays a practice more than what was billed for. The patient gets a check from the practice for the overpayment. Does the patient have to submit the check to the insurance company?
Technically yes because the overpayment will be identified on an audit and the insurance company will probably first go to the medical practice first and chargeback them, then the practice will charge…
Where can I raise a complaint if an insurance company rejects a claim due to incorrect papers provided by a hospital
There should be a claims dispute resolution office. Ultimately you need to go back to the hospital to get the proper paperwork.
Why is it a law that you have to have some form of health insurance? If you drive, it is probably a good idea to have insurance there, but why is the government currently forcing you to have medical insurance?
Two main reasons. The first is that if you require everyone to have health insurance then they contribute to the entire polulation of possible insureds, which the larger the population of people…