Several factors go into an auto insurance rate: ZIP code, marital status, annual mileage, driving history and vehicle make, year and model. In most states, your gender and credit history could also be used to determine rates.
Every year car insurance rates for men and women various based on driving and credit histories, in every single state and for every major auto insurance company, so you can compare auto insurance rates with ease and get the cheapest price for you.
Compare sample auto insurance rates by:
- Age
- Drivers with a DUI.
- Drivers with poor credit.
- Drivers with a recent speeding ticket.
- Drivers with an at-fault accident.
Compare car insurance rates
Each insurance company evaluates personal factors in its own way, and they keep their methods as hidden as possible. So we can’t tell you which company puts high value in your occupation, or emphasizes a clean driving history more than others. But to help you get going, we can show you average annual rates for minimum and full coverage car insurance policies by state and by company, from the top 10 private passenger auto insurers in the country based on 2019 market share data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. “Full coverage” policies have higher liability limits and include uninsured motorist protection, comprehensive and collision coverage.
Compare minimum and full coverage rates for 25-year-olds
Drivers around the age of 25 typically get higher car insurance rates because as a group they get into more accidents on average than older drivers.
Rates vary from company to company. For example, full coverage from American Family for a 25-year-old costs $1,386 a year, on average, while the average price from Liberty Mutual is $2,311.
Below you can compare annual rates for 25-year-olds by company and by state. Rates are averaged across the country separately for full and minimum coverage.
Company | 25-year-old with minimum coverage | 25-year-old with full coverage |
Allstate | $805 | $1,983 |
American Family | $682 | $1,386 |
Farmers | $1,003 | $2,092 |
Geico | $558 | $1,426 |
Liberty Mutual | $1,128 | $2,311 |
Nationwide | $767 | $1,539 |
Progressive | $808 | $1,959 |
State Farm | $703 | $1,737 |
Travelers | $833 | $1,703 |
USAA* | $489 | $1,251 |
*USAA is only available to military, veterans and their families.
Average car insurance rates for a 25-year-old driver vary significantly from state to state. Some states, like Maine and Vermont, have average rates under $1,200 a year for full coverage. In other states, such as New Jersey and California, insurance costs more than $2,000 a year, on average, for the same driver profile.
See how your state stacks up below.
State | 25-year-old with minimum coverage | 25-year-old with full coverage |
Alabama | $636 | $1,649 |
Alaska | $544 | $1,476 |
Arizona | $646 | $1,613 |
Arkansas | $644 | $1,700 |
California | $778 | $2,044 |
Colorado | $703 | $1,816 |
Connecticut | $1,007 | $1,992 |
Delaware | $924 | $1,779 |
District of Columbia | $849 | $1,770 |
Florida | $1,309 | $2,682 |
Georgia | $791 | $1,862 |
Hawaii | $487 | $1,176 |
Idaho | $432 | $1,158 |
Illinois | $508 | $1,364 |
Indiana | $480 | $1,192 |
Iowa | $359 | $1,189 |
Kansas | $489 | $1,539 |
Kentucky | $1,142 | $2,574 |
Louisiana | $1,294 | $3,555 |
Maine | $438 | $1,112 |
Maryland | $917 | $1,881 |
Massachusetts | $605 | $1,468 |
Michigan | $1,290 | $2,507 |
Minnesota | $632 | $1,472 |
Mississippi | $642 | $1,746 |
Missouri | $584 | $1,586 |
Montana | $432 | $1,428 |
Nebraska | $482 | $1,374 |
Nevada | $1,006 | $2,139 |
New Hampshire | $500 | $1,269 |
New Jersey | $1,086 | $2,024 |
New Mexico | $539 | $1,430 |
New York | $1,067 | $2,165 |
North Carolina | $446 | $1,173 |
North Dakota | $449 | $1,460 |
Ohio | $527 | $1,241 |
Oklahoma | $640 | $1,793 |
Oregon | $720 | $1,418 |
Pennsylvania | $453 | $1,333 |
Rhode Island | $928 | $1,956 |
South Carolina | $759 | $1,706 |
South Dakota | $363 | $1,449 |
Tennessee | $505 | $1,444 |
Texas | $753 | $1,721 |
Utah | $665 | $1,416 |
Vermont | $447 | $1,150 |
Virginia | $380 | $1,185 |
Washington | $746 | $1,501 |
West Virginia | $572 | $1,534 |
Wisconsin | $402 | $1,157 |
Wyoming | $368 | $1,340 |
Compare minimum and full coverage rates for 40-year-olds
Drivers around the age of 40 are in a car insurance sweet spot. Because this age group tends to get in fewer accidents than other age groups, they typically can get the cheapest rates. But prices will still vary from company to company. Aside from USAA, which is only available to military, veterans and their families, Geico provides the lowest price for full coverage cost for 40-year-olds at $1,198, on average, while Farmers Insurance comes in at the highest at $1,865, on average.
Compare national average annual car insurance rates for 40-year-olds by company and by state below. Keep in mind that not all of these companies are available in every state.
Company | 40-year-old with minimum coverage | 40-year-old with full coverage |
Allstate | $784 | $1,834 |
American Family | $601 | $1,233 |
Farmers | $926 | $1,865 |
Geico | $478 | $1,198 |
Liberty Mutual | $900 | $1,778 |
Nationwide | $682 | $1,349 |
Progressive | $774 | $1,766 |
State Farm | $624 | $1,511 |
Travelers | $815 | $1,528 |
USAA* | $415 | $1,023 |
*USAA is only available to military, veterans and their families.
While average car insurance rates fluctuate by state, 40-year-olds in several states, including Idaho, Indiana and Virginia, can pay less than $1,000 a year, on average, for full coverage policies. Similar drivers in other states could pay less than $2,000 a year for full coverage, on average. Only four states charge more than $2,000 a year to 40-year-old drivers with full coverage car insurance: Kentucky, Michigan, Florida and Louisiana.
See how your state stacks up below.
State | 40-year-old with minimum coverage | 40-year-old with full coverage |
Alabama | $558 | $1,401 |
Alaska | $456 | $1,180 |
Arizona | $581 | $1,409 |
Arkansas | $558 | $1,427 |
California | $636 | $1,627 |
Colorado | $636 | $1,570 |
Connecticut | $854 | $1,683 |
Delaware | $839 | $1,559 |
District of Columbia | $755 | $1,527 |
Florida | $1,188 | $2,352 |
Georgia | $690 | $1,594 |
Hawaii | $487 | $1,176 |
Idaho | $362 | $937 |
Illinois | $437 | $1,163 |
Indiana | $409 | $994 |
Iowa | $309 | $997 |
Kansas | $434 | $1,306 |
Kentucky | $983 | $2,161 |
Louisiana | $1,150 | $2,971 |
Maine | $367 | $916 |
Maryland | $800 | $1,595 |
Massachusetts | $550 | $1,299 |
Michigan | $1,285 | $2,331 |
Minnesota | $579 | $1,280 |
Mississippi | $513 | $1,385 |
Missouri | $505 | $1,339 |
Montana | $395 | $1,252 |
Nebraska | $420 | $1,181 |
Nevada | $902 | $1,881 |
New Hampshire | $415 | $1,056 |
New Jersey | $994 | $1,759 |
New Mexico | $484 | $1,241 |
New York | $1,026 | $1,962 |
North Carolina | $411 | $1,075 |
North Dakota | $400 | $1,235 |
Ohio | $463 | $1,051 |
Oklahoma | $583 | $1,595 |
Oregon | $639 | $1,228 |
Pennsylvania | $413 | $1,167 |
Rhode Island | $820 | $1,684 |
South Carolina | $656 | $1,458 |
South Dakota | $312 | $1,245 |
Tennessee | $426 | $1,170 |
Texas | $664 | $1,471 |
Utah | $607 | $1,248 |
Vermont | $381 | $960 |
Virginia | $327 | $993 |
Washington | $652 | $1,261 |
West Virginia | $504 | $1,307 |
Wisconsin | $359 | $1,005 |
Wyoming | $333 | $1,184 |
Compare car insurance rates for drivers with a DUI
After a DUI, your auto insurance rate will go up — in some cases, 75% or more. But one thing you can control that can affect rates the most is your insurance company. A DUI can affect car insurance rates for 3 to 10 years, so it’s best to shop around for the best price after getting one.
Below you can compare company averages for 40-year-olds before and after a DUI. Keep in mind that not all of these companies are available in every state.
Company | Drivers without a DUI | Drivers with a DUI |
Allstate | $1,834 | $3,301 |
American Family | $1,233 | $1,397 |
Farmers | $1,865 | $2,866 |
Geico | $1,198 | $2,743 |
Liberty Mutual | $1,778 | $4,128 |
Nationwide | $1,349 | $3,016 |
Progressive | $1,766 | $2,263 |
State Farm | $1,511 | $2,549 |
Travelers | $1,528 | $2,332 |
USAA* | $1,023 | $1,925 |
*USAA is only available to military, veterans and their families.
While your rate will increase after a DUI, how much it does depends in part on which state you live in. In Missouri, the average rate for drivers with a recent DUI is 43% higher, on average, than for similar drivers with no incidents — $571 more a year. However, a DUI in North Carolina more than tripled average rates in our analysis, adding more than $3,000 to the annual cost of full coverage car insurance for 40-year-old drivers.
See below for how your state measures up.
State | Drivers without a DUI | Drivers with a DUI |
Alabama | $1,401 | $2,484 |
Alaska | $1,180 | $1,842 |
Arizona | $1,409 | $2,793 |
Arkansas | $1,427 | $2,369 |
California | $1,627 | $4,006 |
Colorado | $1,570 | $2,373 |
Connecticut | $1,683 | $3,169 |
Delaware | $1,559 | $2,583 |
District of Columbia | $1,527 | $2,571 |
Florida | $2,352 | $3,681 |
Georgia | $1,594 | $2,914 |
Hawaii | $1,176 | $4,153 |
Idaho | $937 | $1,494 |
Illinois | $1,163 | $1,888 |
Indiana | $994 | $1,538 |
Iowa | $997 | $1,694 |
Kansas | $1,306 | $2,177 |
Kentucky | $2,161 | $3,598 |
Louisiana | $2,971 | $4,118 |
Maine | $916 | $1,521 |
Maryland | $1,595 | $2,543 |
Massachusetts | $1,299 | $2,352 |
Michigan | $2,331 | $5,807 |
Minnesota | $1,280 | $2,337 |
Mississippi | $1,385 | $2,297 |
Missouri | $1,339 | $1,910 |
Montana | $1,252 | $2,092 |
Nebraska | $1,181 | $1,737 |
Nevada | $1,881 | $2,987 |
New Hampshire | $1,056 | $1,866 |
New Jersey | $1,759 | $3,013 |
New Mexico | $1,241 | $1,954 |
New York | $1,962 | $2,960 |
North Carolina | $1,075 | $4,409 |
North Dakota | $1,235 | $2,190 |
Ohio | $1,051 | $1,701 |
Oklahoma | $1,595 | $2,491 |
Oregon | $1,228 | $1,837 |
Pennsylvania | $1,167 | $1,837 |
Rhode Island | $1,684 | $3,346 |
South Carolina | $1,458 | $2,203 |
South Dakota | $1,245 | $2,186 |
Tennessee | $1,170 | $2,096 |
Texas | $1,471 | $2,290 |
Utah | $1,248 | $1,898 |
Vermont | $993 | $2,052 |
Virginia | $960 | $1,567 |
Washington | $1,261 | $2,024 |
West Virginia | $1,307 | $2,090 |
Wisconsin | $1,005 | $1,935 |
Wyoming | $1,184 | $2,179 |
Compare car insurance rates for drivers with poor credit
Your credit history is one of the largest factors affecting your car insurance quote in all states except California, Hawaii and Massachusetts. While rates can double in some cases, it’s important to note that every company considers credit very differently, and even among insurers this factor fluctuates by state. Drivers with poor credit insured by Liberty Mutual could pay an average of 40% more — $719 more a year — compared to similar drivers with good credit. Meanwhile, State Farm’s average price for full coverage more than doubles for drivers with poor credit compared to those with good credit.
Below you can compare average full coverage rates for 40-year-old drivers with poor credit by company.
Company | Good drivers with good credit | Good drivers with poor credit |
Allstate | $1,834 | $2,907 |
American Family | $1,233 | $2,045 |
Farmers | $1,865 | $3,227 |
Geico | $1,198 | $1,748 |
Liberty Mutual | $1,778 | $2,497 |
Nationwide | $1,349 | $1,896 |
Progressive | $1,766 | $3,238 |
State Farm | $1,511 | $3,114 |
Travelers | $1,528 | $2,803 |
USAA* | $1,023 | $1,925 |
*USAA is only available to military, veterans and their families.
Certain states prohibit the use of credit in setting rates, and how insurers treat credit differs from state to state. For example, state legislators in one state may allow more wiggle room for credit-based pricing than others, leading to variations by state.
Our analysis found that:
- In North Carolina, a driver with poor credit could pay about 33% more than a good credit driver.
- Having poor credit in Utah doubles the average insurance rate compared to drivers with good credit.
- Average rates for poor credit drivers in Michigan were about 2.4 times the average rates for good credit drivers.
Below you can compare average full coverage rates for 40-year-old drivers with poor credit by state.
State | Good drivers with good credit | Good drivers with poor credit |
Alabama | $1,401 | $2,525 |
Alaska | $1,180 | $1,753 |
Arizona | $1,409 | $3,037 |
Arkansas | $1,427 | $2,445 |
California* | $1,627 | $1,627 |
Colorado | $1,570 | $2,799 |
Connecticut | $1,683 | $3,436 |
Delaware | $1,559 | $2,873 |
District of Columbia | $1,527 | $2,756 |
Florida | $2,352 | $4,267 |
Georgia | $1,594 | $2,566 |
Hawaii* | $1,176 | $1,176 |
Idaho | $937 | $1,599 |
Illinois | $1,163 | $2,022 |
Indiana | $994 | $1,742 |
Iowa | $997 | $1,737 |
Kansas | $1,306 | $2,218 |
Kentucky | $2,161 | $3,827 |
Louisiana | $2,971 | $4,958 |
Maine | $916 | $1,905 |
Maryland | $1,595 | $2,678 |
Massachusetts* | $1,299 | $1,299 |
Michigan | $2,331 | $5,513 |
Minnesota | $1,280 | $2,539 |
Mississippi | $1,385 | $2,182 |
Missouri | $1,339 | $2,480 |
Montana | $1,252 | $2,098 |
Nebraska | $1,181 | $1,968 |
Nevada | $1,881 | $3,074 |
New Hampshire | $1,056 | $2,162 |
New Jersey | $1,759 | $3,686 |
New Mexico | $1,241 | $2,006 |
New York | $1,962 | $4,233 |
North Carolina | $1,075 | $1,425 |
North Dakota | $1,235 | $2,295 |
Ohio | $1,051 | $1,797 |
Oklahoma | $1,595 | $2,725 |
Oregon | $1,228 | $2,115 |
Pennsylvania | $1,167 | $2,034 |
Rhode Island | $1,684 | $2,915 |
South Carolina | $1,458 | $2,984 |
South Dakota | $1,245 | $2,144 |
Tennessee | $1,170 | $2,267 |
Texas | $1,471 | $2,616 |
Utah | $1,248 | $2,507 |
Vermont | $993 | $1,705 |
Virginia | $960 | $1,547 |
Washington | $1,261 | $2,261 |
West Virginia | $1,307 | $2,392 |
Wisconsin | $1,005 | $1,809 |
Wyoming | $1,184 | $1,863 |
*Credit-based pricing is banned in California, Hawaii and Massachusetts.
Compare car insurance rates for drivers with a ticket
After you get a speeding ticket, your auto insurance rates will go up — typically about 25%. But the amount your rate goes up depends on the state you live in and your insurance company. American Family’s average rates for drivers with a speeding ticket were 5% more than for drivers with a clean record in our analysis. By contrast, Liberty Mutual’s rates for drivers with a speeding ticket are 34% more than for those with a clean record, on average. Since a ticket can stay on your driving record anywhere from 1 to 3 years, it’s always best to shop around to find the cheapest rates.
Below you can compare average full coverage rates for 40-year-old drivers with a recent ticket by company.
Company | Drivers with a clean driving history | Drivers with a recent ticket |
Allstate | $1,834 | $2,172 |
American Family | $1,233 | $1,289 |
Farmers | $1,865 | $2,476 |
Geico | $1,198 | $1,557 |
Liberty Mutual | $1,778 | $2,383 |
Nationwide | $1,349 | $1,697 |
Progressive | $1,766 | $2,281 |
State Farm | $1,511 | $1,784 |
Travelers | $1,528 | $1,990 |
USAA* | $1,023 | $1,200 |
*USAA is only available to military, veterans and their families.
You can also compare car insurance rates by state. In some states like Pennsylvania and Texas, average rates for drivers with a speeding ticket are 12% higher, on average, than for drivers with no violations. In other states a speeding ticket resulted in 40% higher rates — or more, such as in Hawaii, where a ticket costs an additional 74% in car insurance premiums, on average.
Below you can compare average full coverage rates for 40-year-old drivers with a recent ticket by state.
State | Drivers with a clean driving history | Drivers with a recent ticket |
Alabama | $1,401 | $1,707 |
Alaska | $1,180 | $1,364 |
Arizona | $1,409 | $1,847 |
Arkansas | $1,427 | $1,813 |
California | $1,627 | $2,321 |
Colorado | $1,570 | $1,864 |
Connecticut | $1,683 | $2,130 |
Delaware | $1,559 | $1,901 |
District of Columbia | $1,527 | $1,802 |
Florida | $2,352 | $2,946 |
Georgia | $1,594 | $1,980 |
Hawaii | 1,176 | 2,050 |
Idaho | $937 | $1,163 |
Illinois | $1,163 | $1,483 |
Indiana | $994 | $1,299 |
Iowa | $997 | $1,149 |
Kansas | $1,306 | $1,583 |
Kentucky | $2,161 | $2,597 |
Louisiana | $2,971 | $3,642 |
Maine | $916 | $1,197 |
Maryland | $1,595 | $1,884 |
Massachusetts | $1,299 | $1,669 |
Michigan | $2,331 | $3,416 |
Minnesota | $1,280 | $1,601 |
Mississippi | $1,385 | $1,769 |
Missouri | $1,339 | $1,577 |
Montana | $1,252 | $1,571 |
Nebraska | $1,181 | $1,451 |
Nevada | $1,881 | $2,281 |
New Hampshire | $1,056 | $1,317 |
New Jersey | $1,759 | $2,281 |
New Mexico | $1,241 | $1,474 |
New York | $1,962 | $2,310 |
North Carolina | $1,075 | $1,568 |
North Dakota | $1,235 | $1,573 |
Ohio | $1,051 | $1,310 |
Oklahoma | $1,595 | $2,008 |
Oregon | $1,228 | $1,516 |
Pennsylvania | $1,167 | $1,303 |
Rhode Island | $1,684 | $2,188 |
South Carolina | $1,458 | $1,755 |
South Dakota | $1,245 | $1,453 |
Tennessee | $1,170 | $1,421 |
Texas | $1,471 | $1,665 |
Utah | $1,248 | $1,467 |
Vermont | $993 | $1,141 |
Virginia | $960 | $1,153 |
Washington | $1,261 | $1,533 |
West Virginia | $1,307 | $1,533 |
Wisconsin | $1,005 | $1,255 |
Wyoming | $1,184 | $1,596 |
Compare minimum and full coverage rates for drivers with an accident
Among the largest companies, your history of accidents will affect your auto insurance quote in very different ways. Check out how each insurer’s average rates for drivers with an accident stack up before you start comparison shopping for auto insurance. If you have an on-record accident, make sure to compare car insurance quotes one, three and five years after the date of the incident to continue to get the best and cheapest rate possible.
The cheapest car insurance company for a driver with a clean history might not be the cheapest company after an at-fault accident occurs. For example, while USAA typically has the best price for drivers with a clean driving history, our data shows that American Family has the cheapest average rates for drivers with a recent at-fault accident — with rates after an accident only 13% higher, on average, than for our base profile.
Below you can compare average full coverage rates for 40-year-old drivers with a recent at-fault accident by company
Company | Drivers with a clean driving history | Drivers with a recent at-fault accident |
Allstate | $1,834 | $2,904 |
American Family | $1,233 | $1,391 |
Farmers | $1,865 | $2,783 |
Geico | $1,198 | $1,888 |
Liberty Mutual | $1,778 | $2,837 |
Nationwide | $1,349 | $2,128 |
Progressive | $1,766 | $2,980 |
State Farm | $1,511 | $1,968 |
Travelers | $1,528 | $2,071 |
USAA* | $1,023 | $1,482 |
*USAA is only available to military, veterans and their families.
State legislators set limits on how much a company can increase your rates after a crash. Our hypothetical accident resulted in $10,000 worth of damage. That caused average annual rates to spike by $1,000 or more in some states, while others jumped by far less. For example, rates in Idaho for full coverage policies and drivers with a recent at-fault accident were $349 per year more, on average, than for drivers with for no accidents. Meanwhile, rates in Louisiana averaged over $1,600 more after causing an accident than for incident-free drivers.
One thing’s for sure: Your rates will likely increase after an at-fault accident, so be sure to compare car insurance rates if you have one on record. Below you can compare average full coverage rates for 40-year-old drivers with a recent at-fault accident by state.
State | Drivers with a clean driving history | Drivers with a recent at-fault accident |
Alabama | $1,401 | $2,035 |
Alaska | $1,180 | $1,687 |
Arizona | $1,409 | $2,086 |
Arkansas | $1,427 | $2,231 |
California | $1,627 | $2,927 |
Colorado | $1,570 | $2,265 |
Connecticut | $1,683 | $2,644 |
Delaware | $1,559 | $2,170 |
District of Columbia | $1,527 | $2,158 |
Florida | $2,352 | $3,220 |
Georgia | $1,594 | $2,512 |
Hawaii | 1,176 | 1,581 |
Idaho | $937 | $1,286 |
Illinois | $1,163 | $1,731 |
Indiana | $994 | $1,502 |
Iowa | $997 | $1,450 |
Kansas | $1,306 | $1,887 |
Kentucky | $2,161 | $3,238 |
Louisiana | $2,971 | $4,593 |
Maine | $916 | $1,314 |
Maryland | $1,595 | $2,311 |
Massachusetts | $1,299 | $2,290 |
Michigan | $2,331 | $3,566 |
Minnesota | $1,280 | $1,779 |
Mississippi | $1,385 | $2,049 |
Missouri | $1,339 | $1,910 |
Montana | $1,252 | $1,848 |
Nebraska | $1,181 | $1,738 |
Nevada | $1,881 | $2,811 |
New Hampshire | $1,056 | $1,629 |
New Jersey | $1,759 | $2,802 |
New Mexico | $1,241 | $1,827 |
New York | $1,962 | $2,576 |
North Carolina | $1,075 | $1,833 |
North Dakota | $1,235 | $1,865 |
Ohio | $1,051 | $1,702 |
Oklahoma | $1,595 | $2,440 |
Oregon | $1,228 | $1,808 |
Pennsylvania | $1,167 | $1,780 |
Rhode Island | $1,684 | $2,522 |
South Carolina | $1,458 | $2,100 |
South Dakota | $1,245 | $1,726 |
Tennessee | $1,170 | $1,746 |
Texas | $1,471 | $2,150 |
Utah | $1,248 | $1,793 |
Vermont | $993 | $1,540 |
Virginia | $960 | $1,417 |
Washington | $1,261 | $1,866 |
West Virginia | $1,307 | $1,872 |
Wisconsin | $1,005 | $1,473 |
Wyoming | $1,184 | $1,678 |
How to compare car insurance quotes
First of all, every car insurance rate quote you receive should be free —whether it’s from Geico, Farmers or a small insurer you’ve never heard of. Some auto insurers require a down payment to start your policy, but a simple quote estimate should always be free. Here’s how to start comparing quotes.
1. Gather your information
To quickly and easily compare car insurance quotes, have the following on hand:
- Personal information, which includes the address, date of birth, occupation, driver’s license and marital status of everyone you want included on the policy.
- Vehicle information: Mileage, date of purchase and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for each car. Or, if you haven’t purchased the car yet, have mileage, make, model and year handy.
- Driving history: Include all claims, violations and tickets you’ve had over the past five years, plus any completed driving courses.
- Current or previous insurer’s name for anyone on the policy or in your household. Some insurers won’t cover you without some coverage history, and if you want to exclude anyone living with you from the policy, you’ll need to prove they’re covered elsewhere.
2. Choose the right liability car insurance coverage levels
Auto insurance is financial protection, and not just for the investment you made when you bought your car. After a really serious accident, bills for damage and injuries can easily reach into hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you happen to cause such a wreck, the victims could sue you. In the worst case scenario, assets such as your savings and home could be seized.
Liability auto insurance protects you from that worst case scenario by providing a cushion between your assets and the amount you’re on the hook for. For this reason, choosing the right auto liability limits is the most important part of your car insurance quote comparison. NerdWallet typically recommends having at least as much liability coverage as your net worth.
But liability coverage levels come in threes — you’ll probably see something like 50/100/50 up to 250/500/250 in typical policies. You can think of these limits like: individual injuries / total injuries / property damage. Insurers are a little more technical, calling them bodily injury liability, total bodily injury liability and physical damage liability.
These coverages come in thousand-dollar increments, so when you choose an auto insurance policy with 100/300/100 limits, you’ll be choosing:
- $100,000 for bodily injuries per person you injure in a crash.
- $300,000 total for all bodily injuries you cause in a crash.
- $100,000 for damage to any property you cause in a crash, including cars, buildings and objects like mailboxes and lampposts.
When choosing liability car insurance coverage, try to make sure the highest, middle number is equal to or greater than the value of your house and total savings combined.
Understand car insurance requirements in your state
In certain states, you may be required to have a car insurance policy that includes personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments coverage (medpay) or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverages — or two of the three. If you have medpay you don’t need PIP, and vice versa.
Any car insurance comparison tool you look at should have your state’sminimum car insurance requirements pre-loaded into its options. States requiring PIP or medpay are generally referred to as “no-fault” states, meaning that when injuries occur, each driver in a crash makes a claim with their own insurance company to pay for them. Beyond the PIP or medpay limit, the at-fault driver’s liability insurance kicks in to cover the rest.
3. Decide if you need full coverage car insurance
You’ll notice that none of that liability coverage pays for your car or injuries, nor for any injuries your passengers sustain if you cause a wreck. This is why many people — particularly those whose car isn’t yet paid off — want “full coverage” car insurance. This isn’t actually a type of coverage, but instead typically refers to policies that include liability coverage, plus comprehensive and collision coverages.
In other words, you can’t just click a “full coverage” button when comparing insurance quotes online or buy something called a full coverage auto insurance policy. You’ll need to add collision and comprehensive coverage in the amounts you want.
Collision insurance pays for: | Comprehensive insurance pays for: |
Damage to your car in an accident you cause.Damage to your car if you hit an object such as a fence or pole.Damage to your car if someone else hits you. Another option in this case is to make a claim against the other driver’s liability insurance. | The value of your car if it’s stolen and not recovered, and damage from:Weather such as tornadoes or hail.Floods.Fire.Falling objects.Explosions.Crashes with an animal, such as striking a deer.Riots and civil disturbances. |
Auto insurance quote comparison tip: Whatever coverage you choose, make sure you compare the quotes for the same type and amount of coverage so you can find the best price.
4. Collect and compare car insurance quotes
You’ll want to get car insurance quotes from at least two or three companies available in your area to be sure you’re getting a good deal. Consider comparing quotes from regional companies as well as the big companies such as Allstate, Progressive and State Farm. While shopping, make certain that each insurance quote includes:
- The same levels of liability and uninsured/underinsured motorist protection.
- The same deductibles for collision and comprehensive coverages, if you’re buying them.
- The same drivers and cars.
- All discounts you’re eligible for (most insurers list the discounts they offer on their websites).
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need to compare auto insurance quotes?
Comparing car insurance rate quotes is the best way to ensure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Auto insurance companies look at similar factors but weigh them differently, so you’ll get differing quotes from each.
We recommend you shop around and compare rate quotes for car insurance about once a year — this is your best bet at getting the cheapest rate. If you’ve been in a recent at-fault accident, received a speeding ticket or are about to move out of state, shop around again..
Does an auto insurance rate change depending on your gender?
It depends. Some states — Hawaii, Massachusetts, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and some parts of Michigan — have banned the practice of calculating auto insurance rates based on a person’s gender. But in other states, women may pay more, on average, for car insurance compared to men with similar driving records. For young adults, the trend is flipped — young men tend to pay more than women.
But switching companies can wipe out that price difference, so your best bet is to shop around to find the cheapest insurance rate you can.
Is auto insurance cheaper for homeowners?
Oftentimes, yes. Most insurers offer discounts for customers that bundle home and auto insurance, while others offer a separate discount just for being a homeowner. Bundling policies might also make it easier for you to keep track of your coverage and claims.
Combining policies is usually best reserved for drivers with a solid driving history. If you have multiple traffic violations, poor credit or other negative marks on your driving record, you might be better off shopping for auto insurance and homeowners insurance from separate companies.
How do I get cheap rideshare insurance?
Many auto insurance companies offer rideshare insurance as an add-on to your current policy — typically around $15 more a month. If your insurer doesn’t offer the option, your best bet is to switch to one that does and stay properly covered.
If you’re unable to get rideshare insurance in your state, you may need to purchase a commercial insurance policy to ensure that you have the full coverage required.
Do I need to compare auto insurance rates if I move out of state?
While it may come as a surprise, one of the largest factors affecting your car insurance quote will be something you wouldn’t change just for cheaper car insurance — where you live. However, it does have a very big impact and should be part of financial planning if you move out of your area. For that reason, it’s good to do a car insurance quote comparison anytime you move, even within the same state.
Compare car insurance companies
Use NerdWallet’s reviews to compare car insurance companies and find the best one for you. NerdWallet has researched policy options, consumer complaint data, customer satisfaction ratings, financial stability and more for all of the country’s top auto insurance companies as well as many smaller, regional insurers.
- 21st Century Insurance
- Amica
- Auto-Owners
- Chubb
- Country Financial
- Dairyland
- Direct Auto Insurance
- Encompass
- Erie Insurance
- Esurance
- Farm Bureau Insurance
- Farmers Insurance
- The General Insurance
- AARP / The Hartford
- Allstate
- Geico
- Georgia Farm Bureau Insurance
- Good2Go
- The Hanover
- Infinity Insurance
- Liberty Mutual
- Mapfre
- Mercury Insurance
- Metlife
- Metromile
- Nationwide Insurance
- American Family Insurance
- Ameriprise
- Progressive Insurance
- Root
- Safe Auto
- Safeco
- Shelter
- State Farm
- Texas Farm Bureau Insurance
- Travelers Insurance