Yes, your credit score will determine what tier of auto insurance rates you will fit into for that insurance company. The better or higher your credit score the lower auto insurance rates…
Month: November 2020
What happens if I don’t have health insurance for 1 month?
You have to pay all your health claims during that month. Previously before the affordable care act you would be subject to pre existing conditions terms of policies.
How do I get insurance through the Affordable Care Act?
The affordable care act allows for States to create insurance exchanges. You should be able to find the options on your local states website. Each state has its own eligibility requirements for…
An insurance company pays a practice more than what was billed for. The patient gets a check from the practice for the overpayment. Does the patient have to submit the check to the insurance company?
Technically yes because the overpayment will be identified on an audit and the insurance company will probably first go to the medical practice first and chargeback them, then the practice will charge…
How long do Allstate claims take?
Every claim depends on the size amount and complexity. Obviously small claims can get paid within a week of notice and large claims can take months. This is for any carrier. Allstate…
Are certain motor companies supported by certain insurance companies Are certain motor companies supported by certain insurance companies?
I don’t think so, years ago GM used to provide insurance.
Do insurance rates increase after a comprehensive claim?
Generally no, however they will impact your ability to switch companies and get a better rate.
Does your insurance go up if you put in a claim?
For homeowners insurance no. Unless you have a large number of claims, then they will just non-renew your policy. For automobile coverage depending on how much the claim is and who’s fault…
Does Geico offer general liability insurance?
They offer General Liability insurance through the regular insurance companies such as CNA, HISCOX, Hartford, Liberty Mutual…. However with that being said they do not have the same professional knowledge of General…
I’ve never applied to any of my company’s insurance plans. Am I still covered if I get injured on the job?
In the US, all businesses and companies that hire employees are required to carry workers compensation insurance by state insurance laws. Failure to carry this coverage comes with heavy fines by the…